Thursday, December 16, 2010

the gift of yourself

Many years ago when I was a wee lass my father took me Christmas shopping.  The goal was to find something for my sister.  The result was me finding a must have for myself.  Now my dad being the softie he is didn't say "hey honey, ask Santa for this amazing gift." No, no my father bought me the must have present.  And I'm sure you're dying to know what I needed to have.  It was a Sesame Street puzzle with Bert and Ernie.  I believe the topper to this gift was that I insisted on wrapping this present and giving it to myself for Christmas.  I wrapped it up with a gift tag that said 'To: Me To: Me'.  Every year since then I have gotten myself a 'To me, to me' present, though I given up on wrapping it.

And the tradition continues with Gabriel.  His school had a gift store set up for a few days and Gabe saw his must have - a Buzz Lightyear tambourine.  I told him he had to be good and buy presents for some others and he could get it for himself.  It now sits wrapped under the Christmas tree!

Now, you may think this tradition is selfish but allow me to share my thoughts.  Even at such a tender young age, I knew that giving was important, but giving to yourself is sometimes more important.  This time of year we spend so much energy on scouting out the perfect gift, fighting crowds, wrapping presents, cooking meals, going to parties, baking cookies, etc, etc, etc.  With all the demands, we forget about ourselves.  Hell, we barely have time for ourselves.  So while you're busy thinking of giving to everyone else this holiday season, take sometime to give to yourself.  Not something you need, but something you want. You deserve it.

Happy Holidays :)

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